Our Holy Patron

Our  Holy Patron
St Laurence of Rome

Friday, July 25, 2008

WYD Juventutem

The Guild was proud to provide servers for the pontifical Masses said during the Juventutem program during World Youth Day 2008, in Sydney Australia.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


The guild has taken "Digne et Competenter", meaning with Dignity and compitence.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Guild Conference

The Conference was a great success. Many servers came, not only from Victoria, but also from Tasmania, South Australia and Queensland. Many new friendships were made and many servers brushed up on their, or gain skills.

Father Glen Tattersal FSSP, gave many informative talks on the liturgy, serving and the Holy Mass. I found his talk on the minor orders and the dignity of the server most inspirational. Also he enlightened everyone on the proper meaning of the word Liturgy. Litugia, a public work, but those work? Christ's work of redemption, not the work of the People. The priest being the representative of Christ, not of the people.

Everyone listen attentively to the wisdom of Fr Tattersal.
The conference also included basic chant lessons. The server and the scholaist both exercise similar liturgical roles, both should have at least basic knowledge and skill in each others duties.
The lessons also helped us sing Pontifical Vespers at the Faldstool with His Lordship Bishop Peter Elliot.
Taught by the best.
Father Tattersal explains the structure and nature of the missal. The Roman Missal is one of Christianity's most prized books, the sythias to 2000years of belief.

Everyday of the four day conference had a solemn Liturgy, Most days we had Solemn High Mass, but on the Saturday, we had solemn Vespers. Also on the Saturday we had a Low Mass done at the High altar to show us all how a Low Mass is served.
Cassocks every where. The divisons of Bishop Elliot, the Black Cassocks!